For Men at the helm of a business who are flatlined at 10-25k a month - Introducing...
£1M+ One Man Empire
Below: How To Break Free Of No Man's Land, Get Back 21 Hrs A Week, And Push To £1M+ In Revenue - Without Adding Any More Employees To Your Business…
(...Even Now In Some Of The Most Confusing Times In History...)

“Profit is up 130% and this year we'll hit £4M. If you’d asked us 18 months ago if this is possible, I’d have said not a chance.” Ian Stone - Director, Acorn Asbestos
Skeptical? Good. Read On.

Listen to this dispatch:
FROM: Lichfield, Small Market Town, United Kingdom
Let me level with you, man to man...
One of the biggest problems we face in our business, and in life right now, is the acceptance that just making it through another day is ‘OK.’
Countless times we’ve been told that we’re ‘lucky.’
Lucky to have built something of our own, lucky to have the guts and determination to stand on our own two feet, lucky to even have our own business.
... And yet despite all of that, most men in our shoes still struggle.
Struggling with the fatigue and persecution that standing on your own two feet entails.
After all, it never used to be like this.
It used to be fun.
… But all of a sudden it feels like the pace that you’re running at is not fast enough, or as fast as it used to be.
Chances are it’s why you’re here.
Because despite sacrificing what others won't today, to have what others want tomorrow...
You Suspect It should Be Easier...
I get it.
It’s painful when you realise that everything you’ve worked so hard for...
Everything that you gambled on…
Everything that you were told was going to make it all better…
Is still not pulling its weight.
Truth is my friend, you are not alone.
After all, I sense that if you’re anything like most men already on this journey…
You Deserve To Be Making More By Now...
You expected to be making more by now.
It’s probably why, despite a core of inner strength, you feel that you might be suffering from isolation, doubt, and self-sabbotage.
Made worse by the fact that regardless of what is seen on the outside, deep down behind the mask...
You Wrestle With Anxiety And Guilt...
A dark place that leaves most men fighting fires and carrying everything on their own shoulders - as they relentlessly do what needs to be done, in order to provide and protect.
Truth be told, if you've ever felt like you're on the cusp of something big, but sensed in the pit of your stomach you’re stood still - or worse, going backwards - then it’s time to consider that…
You Are Fighting In A Cycle Of Overwhelm...
A place here that I call No Man’s Land:

A place, that in my experience starts with a simple trigger - overstretch.
A trigger too often caused by taking on work you know you can’t fit in - because you feel you have to say “yes.”
And here’s the problem with that, eventually…
It Starts Feeling Like You're Choking...
A place where you’re still awake at 2.37 a.m. and you’re like, “ARGH!”
And herein lies the big problem with choking – something has to give.
And when something has to give, the lowest hanging fruit falls from the tree and stops you dead in your tracks:
That's When The Persecution Starts...
For most of men that play this game, it means:
And I get it.
Persecution is not fair.
Because, when push comes to shove, it’s not your fault.
I mean, after all, you’re just trying to do the right thing – be the man of the house, and that sometimes means sacrifices.
Trouble is, those sacrifices – and the internal justification of WHY they’re OK – don’t fix the guilt, or stop the arguments at home.
It’s EXACTLY why, in my experience, persecution drags most to the bottom of the barrel.
A place of even longer workdays, sleepless nights and more suffering. One that leaves you more frustrated, fatigued and PANICKED as your body suffers both mentally and physically.
And when you hit that place, there are two ways that you can go…
Collapse and fail OR suck it up.
Most Persist And Suffer In Silence...
That's nose to the grindstone in the distant hope that you can fight your way out of this misery by just working harder and getting stuff done.
Because that’s what men are supposed to do, right?
Persist in one thing, and one thing only – WORK.
Work that’s justified to those around us by the backwards belief that everything will be OK if we can just:
Now the funny thing is, if you persistently work for long and hard enough, the odds will tell you that things will turn around.
… BUT one thing is certain.
A revolt by its nature is always followed by crisis and conflict... and crisis and conflict is always followed by overstretch - meaning…
This Death Cycle Never Stops...
The hamster wheel never stops.
No Man's Land never stops.
It’s why feast and famine is so prevalent and why the divorce rate for the likes of you and I at the helm of our own business is so eye-wateringly high.
... Because in my experience, a man trapped in No Man’s Land, is like a dog at the end of a leash.
Yes, he can move but never to his full potential or never of his own free will.
And before you say it… No….
More Customers Is Not the Answer...

You see, there is a funny thing that happens when you scale.
Customers come to only want to deal with you - the man at the top - because they feel anyone else in the business isn’t quite up to scratch.
So you end up being the one with his fingers in all the pies.
The one doing all the calls.
The one copied in on all the emails.
And the one handling all the fallout, usually at the weekend or out of hours - and even if you have employees on the ground.
Meaning the lion’s share of the work sits with one man, the very same man who in most circumstances is at the end of his tether.
It’s why most employee-up, in one last-ditch attempt to keep growing and break the deadlock.
The trouble is…
Employees Don’t Fix Overstretch...
...They accelerate it.

Here’s what people don’t realise when their back is against the wall.
Employee hires get made out of necessity, and not strategy.
And when you hire out of necessity, I’ll have you consider most never pick the right person for the job.
Most choose competence over character.
And here’s the problem with competent employees, they are just that – competent.
Nothing more, nothing less.
The net result?
Rather than reducing overstretch, more employees amplify it.
It’s the very reason that most plateau and most can never profitably scale - because it’s impossible to handle anymore without it all collapsing like a house of cards.
Little wonder the thought of taking a holiday is so scary.
It’s why most end up on this page.
They hope there is another way.
They suspect there is a better way.
They’ve heard there is a proven way to get more results and more freedom - in less time.
Because after all, and chances are you are ready to bury the past and…
Move To A NEW Way For This NEW Economy...

Which is why right now, if an ounce of what you keep reading rings true - I’d urge you to think for a moment and open up your mind.
… Open up your mind and consider the possibility that there really IS another way - a better way.
A proven way to get groundbreaking momentum, free up 21 hours a week and push to £1m+ in revenue - in your current operation - without adding more bodies to your business.
A new way that’s been hailed as…
The £1M+ One Man Empire Way
A scientific approach that’s not just about “running” a business but operating at the helm of one that performs like a well-oiled machine.

And I get it.
A “£1M+ One Man Empire” is a bold statement.
And yet the results from the last decade speak for themselves.

So my friend, even though it might not feel like it now, I’d urge you to keep reading and consider that with a subtle shift, the right guidance with a set of three proven protocols - this new way is not only possible, but within your reach.
Because this is a science to scale that’s been deployed globally.
A framework that’s been proven time and time again, in industry after industry, country after country, man after man.
And it comes down to this...
Your Business Machine With The S.A.S Protocol™
A system scientifically designed to forge your business and your livelihood in fire with three 3 easy protocols…

If you feel like this is harder than it needs to be - chances are it’s because you’ve created a monster, not a machine.
Step 1: We Simplify Fast, Stop The Rot And Get You Profitable Right Away...

That means you have to simply fast, by cutting out all the carnage, so that you can get profitable - immediately.
Consider that a ruthless focus on shifting to a model driven by…
…In other words, you start to:
After all… simple will always CONSISTENTLY scale…
Step 2: We Automate The Grunt Work, Kill Manual Tasks And Get You Back 21hrs A Week.

Manual tasks aren’t scaleable and always take up too much time. Leaving you tirelessly working “in” the business rather than working “on” it.
Imagine 80% of the grunt work automated and systemised so that things consistently happened on time, every time - like clockwork.
Think quoting, delegating, follow-up (and more) taken off your plate and no longer slipping through the cracks.
Let me be clear:
After all… automation can always CONSISTENTLY scale…
Step 3: We Scale Sales, Grow Quickly And Leverage your Profit-Pumping Machine.

With a simple, consistent model… more free time… and a predictable machine working behind the scenes - it’s time to push for £1m+ and go BIG.
The only question now is… How big do you want to go?
How To Get The Help You Need To Start Deploying This Today…
First of all, it's important to understand that you can't get access to this framework as a course, a book, or a download.
These proven protocols are ONLY delivered and deployed by men behind the closed doors of one of my two, male only, coaching groups.

These groups and their three pillars are designed from the ground up to move you from a jaded one man band to a powerful £1m+ One Man Empire with speed and at full force.
Rapid Deployment
… Getting you these protocols mapped to you, your business and your situation - immediately.
In other words, this is getting to the bottom of what elements, of what protocols, need to be prioritised and executed in what order - to rapidly move your dials.
This is NOT mass-delivery, one size fits all.
Here and in these groups, the S.A.S protocols are personalised to YOU and your business.
You will do this every 90 days so that things CONSISTENTLY get deployed with speed and you CONTINUALLY grow.

... This is you always knowing exactly what to do, when to do it and how - based on your specific situation.
Direct Access
…Getting you specific answers to your specific questions - fast.
No more roadblocks, no more stall-out, no more plateaus - just access to answers.
Answers that come in the form of direct, private and straight-line access to me and the other ambitious self-made men inside this brotherhood.
Think of it like doing an exam while others are slipping you all the answers.
Everyman here is pre-vetted and comes with his own unique set of skills and insight that you can leverage for your own gain.

...This my friend, is CONTINUOUS access to knowledge of this One Man Empire Way at the highest levels.
Hardcore Accountability
… Getting you groundbreaking results - consistently.
This is you putting a bullet in the back of the head of distraction by finally being held accountable and to a higher standard by other men who won't accept excuses.
You see, it’s one thing to tell me you’re going to do something, it’s another thing to tell your wife that things are going to change BUT it’s quite another to stand up and be counted by other ambitious men.

...This, my friend, is the kind of hard-core accountability that CONSISTENTLY turns excuses into execution and broken one man band's into respected One Man Empire’s.
At 21X ROI The Numbers Prove This Process And These Pillars Work...
After all, the results from the men in the U.K. already on this journey speak for themselves.

In fact, if their results are a measuring stick for what happens when you choose to start this process, you can be safe in the knowledge that this will do what you want – even in this new economy.
But, I Have Bad News...
… if I had my way I’d be installing this framework into every male operated business under the sun, so that ultimately I could put a bullet in the back of the head of No Man’s Land, for good.
But unfortunately, that’s not the order of the world in which we live in.
With all the attention my documentary’s been getting online, word has spread like wildfire about The One Man Empire Way and the S.A.S protocols…

The fact is that because the Rapid Deployment process is so insane from my end, in order to guarantee results, I’m being forced to limit the number of active men that I can have inside each group at any one time.
The crux of the situation is that delivering high-quality transformations, in a way that is bespoke to each and every individual on this journey - is time-consuming and EXTREMELY expensive.
The simple truth is that the One Man Empire movement is “blowing up” right now and in a way that I never predicted it could.

On top of that, the men in my groups who already experience the results you get with these protocols “lock in” for life because they’re worried they won’t be able to get in if they leave.
Seats Are Very Limited...
Full Capacity
Closing Soon

Which is good - but, it leaves me with a problem.
Now, as my mission is to help EVERY SINGLE MAN I CAN regain the control and freedom he deserves - by just deploying these simple One Man Empire Protocols….
… I’ve decided to set aside five seats for NEW MEMBERS ONLY.
To be fair I’m also letting existing members secure their seats for as long as they want - to guarantee that they don’t get “locked out” (and so that you won’t either).
But today these five seats are JUST for men like you, who are still on the “outside” of these walls and want in.

So, if you are reading this page, it means I haven’t sold out of those seats yet…
… And there is currently “a seat” available for you in one of my exclusive groups of men who are reclaiming their respect, power and what it means to be a man in this game today.
However, if past experience tells me anything, it’s that I’m probably going to have these seats locked out in a few short days.
Due to the way that enrolment works, I have to plan 3 to 6 months in advance which means it could be quite a while before I have enough space available to let new members in again.
Meaning if you go away to “think about it” and come back later to find that you are out of luck please don’t email me (or Sue in the office) - at that point, there is nothing that I can do for you.
So, Let Me Ask You A Question:
How much would it be worth to you to never have to worry about overwhelm and what it’s doing to your bottom line again…
How much would it be worth to you to be able to go through a whole evening without having to check your phone every 15 minutes to reply to an email?
To avoid the terrible and even deadly effects of No Man’s Land that so many other good men suffer from?
To feel control over your business instead of feeling like your business controls you?
To feel like a man who is respected again?
How Much Would It Be Worth To Tell Them All:
"I Was Right, I Told You So - Look At Me Now...”
… each and every time you bumped into those who doubted, questioned or talked behind your back.
Truth is, all it takes is just three simple protocols.
No late nights. No employees. No nonsense.
Just take a second too and really think about that.
If you knew with 100% certainty that a £1m+ One Man Empire is possible for you and you'd never have to worry again, how much would you be willing to invest...
This Is An Investment...
Now look, in all seriousness what I do here for self made men is an investment - but not a ridiculous one.
One that is specifically designed to get your head in the game so that you take this seriously.
It is currently less than the monthly investment in a minimum wage employee.

... And the good news about that is that this way of running a business will allow you to automate and do the work of 5, 10, maybe even a team of 15 employees by the time that you’re done.
Now, to take away every excuse your brain can come up with as to why you should not do this, let me back up everything I’ve just said…
You Are 100% Safe & Protected With Three Guarantees...
Here’s how it works:
Click the button at the bottom of this page, fill out the application form and see if you qualify.
... If you do, you will be able to schedule a call with me (I highly recommend you book that in sooner rather than later to make sure you don’t miss out), turn up on that call and if you are offered a seat start this process.
Once you get on the “inside” and behind these doors you are protected by these three guarantees:
You Can Withdraw At Any Time
Your Enrolment Is Fixed For Life
No Idiots Allowed
Will I guarantee to make you a millionaire?
It goes without saying, if you are lazy, what we do here will not work.
(I guarantee that too.)
Yet, all men inside this program are free to voluntary withdraw at any time.
Now this works both ways, hence the second guarantee.
I will swiftly boot you from the group if you do not behave.
And finally, your enrolment will stay fixed - for life.
Why am I willing to take a risk with three guarantees like this?
Well, for a couple of reasons:
First, I’m a man of integrity and that means I do right by people who put their trust in me.
And I personally don’t believe that I DESERVE your money unless I over deliver on what I talked to you about today.
Second, in my experience as the leader of this movement, speaking in front of thousands of men over the years, I’ve found most who have made it this far in this game are fundamentally honest.
You’re trusting me enough to consider investing in deploying these One Man Empire Protocols, so the least I can do is trust that you won’t “take the Mick” out of me, my members and my generosity.
And third…
Well, honestly, from my point of view…
It’s Zero Risk...
After all, countless men across the globe have already used this One Man Empire framework to put an iron cage around their cash flow, their sanity and their freedom.
It’s probably why most men stay behind these walls for the long haul - because it works and continues to change lives.
But, It’s Not For The Faint Hearted...
What you will experience behind these doors IS radical.
The tactics and strategies uncovered go against the grain and poke holes in much of what you’re hearing about online.

So if you are happy to blindly follow the herd, toe the line, and hope for a miracle…
… Or if you have no ambition, lack drive, and are content plodding along in the slow lane - then I can tell you right now, this experience is NOT for you…
Yet if you are a man at the helm of a business that is stuck in the cycle of No Man's Land…
And if you are a man of integrity who is 100% committed to unleashing his untapped potential - and you understand help is always the fastest way to get what you want…
Then my friend is for you.
But let me clear…
What You Do Next Is Pivotal...
Listen, I don’t want to get over “dramatic” here, but as you read this page you my friend are at a crossroads that’s going to affect not just your ability to provide and protect..
But everything that makes you feel like a man.
The decision you’re about to make right now, really is that serious and really is that big of a deal.
So take a moment right now before you get distracted…
And when you think about it for a few seconds, you’ll realise that at the end of the day you only really have two options leading to two VERY different journeys.
Option #1 - Do Nothing...
Read to the end of this page, leave this site behind, try to forget everything you’ve uncovered here today and choose to give up control of your business, your life and your very masculinity to the crippling curse of No Man’s Land.
That’s one option.
That’s one choice.
And look, if that’s the choice you want to make, after everything you’ve discovered today, I won’t stop you or try to save you.
In fact, if that’s the choice you want to make I’ll thank you for getting out of the way, and not wasting my time, so another man can step foot on this journey and secure the seat I currently have set aside for you.
But if you’re a fighter?
The kind of man who never gives up?
The kind of man who would stick with me all the way through this page because you know deep down and in your gut that this really is a good and as powerful and as life-changing as it sounds?
Then it’s time for you to choose Option 2.
Option #2 - Start Making A Move...
So please, from one man who has messed-up and suffered to another….
I’m urging you to…
Start This Process Today...

It’s as simple as clicking here and completing a short application form.
When you start and complete this form today, here’s what will happen next:
- You will know instantly if you are pre-approved for one of the groups.
- If you are, you will be able to immediately book a conversation. That is me and you talking on the phone to see if this and you are a good fit.
- When you show up on that call, I will ask you some questions, you can ask me some questions and if we both agree that this will work for you, then we’ll talk about the next steps to get enrolled.

Rated 4.8/5.0 by Self Made men
So all that leaves me to say is let’s do this.
Say YES to this opportunity.
Decide to complete this form and start this process now.
I believe you’re our kind of man.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton
Master Chief

Rated 4.8/5.0 by Self Made men

“We doubled while I’m removed from the business! And we’re on pace to double again without me!”
Chris Penman - Director, Stark Engineering

“Turnover is up 281%, and I’m off the tools, which means more I have more time to do what I love – racing cars”
Adam Brown- Director, QSS
"More Control. More Motivated And Already Moving To £1M+ In My Second Business..."
Adam started his baptism of fire knowing that if he stayed on his current course he'd lose everything. Feeling isolated and alone The One Man Empire Way gave Adam the tools, accountability and brotherhood he needed to start standing tall among giants. The net result being, automated systems, more control and rapid growth of 281%.
"We've Removed Manual labour And Increased Net Profit By 130%..."
Successful entrepreneurs, Neil & Ian had built a rapidly expanding asbestos empire and were searching for a better way to ensure consistent, predictable growth. On the other side of this journey, and they have deployed a workhorse and machine that has transformed everything - ultimately removing manual labour and increasing net profit by 130%.
"£400,000 In The last Two Months..."
Successful engineer John Roy not only started his journey directionless but with a deep feeling of untapped potential and desire to level up. Since then he's levelled up his customers, he's levelled up his marketing, he's levelled up his business and he's finally taken back control for good.
"I've Scaled By Over 400% In The Last 12 Months And Still Keep Growing..."
The stakes were high for Matt. As his core business nose-dived out of control he knew he needed to do something else to secure financial freedom for himself and his youngest son James. Refusing to die, Matt resurrected his business from the dead. His income exploded by over 400% in just 12 months.
"I Drive Over Seven Hours Straight Just To Be Around These Other Men..."
A true One Man Empire, Mark has always worked alone and was starting to feel isolated and powerless. While having the support and accountability of the other men in this tribe Mark has ratcheted up the volume in all areas of his life. Weeks of distraction have been replaced with a laser-like focus on starting to create freedom.
"After 25 Years, I Can Finally See The Light At The End Of The Tunnel..."
Chesham, Buckinghamshire, UK
Fresh-faced and new to this journey, Tommy was on the fence for months before having the courage to fill out an application and join. Just eight hours into his rapid deployment, and despite being a bundle of nerves, he's already started to experience the power and relief that comes from finally having a strategic strike to freeing up time with the family, increasing profits within the business and reducing stress.
"I've Built Two Brand NEW Business From The Ground Up, When No One Said I Could..."
LIVERPOOL, Merseyside, UK
Despite being a wild successfully entrepreneur and numbers man, Tony still suffered from distraction and not being able to see the wood through the trees. He came to One Man Empire on the hunt for connection and accountability from other smart ambitious men. Three years on his journey, Tony had launched two brand new businesses from the ground up and continues to produce in ways in ways he never thought possible.
“I’m Making More Money In Less Time Than I Ever Have Before…”
Barnstaple, Devon, UK
With two young kids and a scaling business, it’s safe to say that when it came to Alan and work/life balance, it was all out of whack. Fortunately he decided start this journey and since then Alan hasn’t looked back. With the other smart ambitious men of The Fellowship by his side, he ruthlessly focused on balance. The good news being he's now making more money, and while only working between the hours of 9.30am and 2.30pm.
Classic Car Restoration SIMEON CATTLE
"This Has Empowered Me To Increase My Turnover by Over 201%..."
Simeon started this journey only looking for insight from other men who "get it." Not only did he get that, but The One Man Empire Way has also given him the tools, the environment and the confidence to do what no one else said was possible. He increased turnover by 201% without taking on an army of employees.
"We've 4X Growth In The Last 12 Months And Still Expanding, Even In A Pandemic!"
Shrewsbury, SHROPSHIRE, UK
When the pandemic struck Joel and Andy's business took an immediate hit, a blindside that forced them face-first into No Man’s Land. Overwhelmed, overstretched and ready to burn it all to the ground, they started to operate the One Man Empire way, a decision that meant they turned it around from the brink, and 4X'd the business.
Structural Engineer: CHRIS PENNMAN
"I've Made More Money In Six Weeks Than Would Normally Make In Six Months"
GLASGOW, Scotland, UK
Chris has created a business that most will never experience and shows you what is possible when you start operating in this new way. He fired all eight employees, eliminated grunt work and is making more money than ever... All while spending days at a time out of the business sand with his new daughter Effie.
"I've Now Got An Unshakeable Confidence to Grow And Keep Pushing Forward..."
torquay, DEVON, UK
Dean came to One Man Empire in a loop of persecution and panic. Looking for a new way that would give him direction, get him organised and reduce stress - he got more than he bargained for. Inspired by the other ambitious men in the tribe, Dean finally saw what was possible. A realisation that empowered him with the unshakable confidence to make more, provide more and be more without having to sacrifice it all.
"My Daily Takings Are Up by 400% In Just 6 Months And I'm Still Scaling ..."
Cefneithin, WALES, UK
Fed up of settling and just plodding along, Paul knew deep down that he wasn't where he wanted to be. After stepping foot on this journey he made a declaration to put the hammer down and take on the world. A hard-line in the sand to operate The One Man Empire Way, that's resulted in a rapid rise of over 400%.
"From £100K To £350K To Hitting £1M+ ..."
Fed up of working for the man, Paul jacked it all in and stared out on his own two feet. Despite a successful start, he hit an immovable plateau and dead-end. He started this journey a life-changing target he wanted to achieve in twelve months - in five short months he's already on track for the £1M mark.
“I’m Now On Target To Hit The £1 Million Mark Next Year…”
KINGSWAY, Swadlicnote, UK
Ben stepped behind these closed doors while operating his business by the sear of his pants. Since then he’s managed to leverage the other men around the table to strategically scale to the next level. So much so that he’s just hit a record turnover of half a millions pounds and is on track to double that to the one million pound mark next year.
"I've Gone from £65K To £125K A month..."
Garndolbenmaen, N. Wales, UK
After 27 years of suffering at the hands of employees, clients and contractors, Paul suspected there must be a better way to provide & protect. What he found on his journey was a path to even greater purpose & power. Thanks to the other men in this tribe he found his fight again, a mantra for money and motivation that has allowed him to start to profit from passion and take back control for good.

Rated 4.8/5.0 by SELF MADE men

Want To Discover More? Watch All Four Parts Of The Underground One Man Empire Documentary - For FREE!

4 Episodes

© Copyright OME Global Ltd 2019
* Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure that we accurately represent these products and services and their potential for producing income for business owners who apply them properly. Examples of income earned and other results are not necessarily average or typical nor intended as representations of your potential earnings. As with any business or training, each individual’s results may vary widely. Each individual’s results depend on his or her background, dedication, desire, motivation and particular applications. Significant financial risk is possible with any business venture or opportunity if you don’t do your own due diligence and get suitable professional advice. No guarantees of specific results are expressly made or implied.