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A productivity secret exposed

July 25, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

July 25, 2024

“If I could just be more productive, everything would be better.” 

Productivity is an obsession for men in this game. 

“If I could just get this off my list.” 

“If I could just get more done in a day.”

“If I could invent an extra hour a day.” 

It is easy to believe productivity is the problem. 

Especially when you’re overwhelmed, stuck in the weeds, or drowning in the day-to-day. 

So, here’s a productivity secret… 

Something I wish someone had shared with me earlier in this game. 

And something that would have saved me years of wasted time, energy and money. 

The secret sauce? 

After a certain point productivity is B.S. 

It’s a myth that keeps you stuck in a never-ending cycle of overwork and overwhelm, scratching around for scale. 

 Unless you’re tossing it off all day, eating crisps and doing nothing, the reality is this: 

You are productive. 

You build a business from the ground up. 

That makes you more productive than 90% of the population. 

Chances are you work more hours than most… you make more sacrifices than most… you put in more effort than most. 

And whilst I don’t doubt you could get a smidge more done each day, there are only ever 24 hours a day. 

Even if you could work them all, what then? 

Productivity isn’t the problem. 

Accepting that ‘what got you here won’t get you there’ is. 

After a while, the graft doesn’t cut it any more. 

And I get it, that’s a bitter pill to swallow. 

And it’s not your fault, nobody in this game gives you a handbook. 

You’ve got to where you have like most of us did…

By being a self-starter, guessing your way there, and working your arse off. 

And as frustrating as it is, that only gets you so far. 

After a certain point, running things this way won’t push you to £1M+.

Finally making the money you deserve comes down to operating in a new way… a way that isn’t reliant on you to be the most productive man in the world. 

Truth is, once you know how it’s easier than you think. 

Pushing to £1M+ without an army of employees comes down to operating the business as a simple machine that scales. 

So if you’re ready to stop focusing on productivity, and start operating in a new way, then go here and apply to join us now:


But before I go, a word on potential… 

Your potential. 

Believing the productivity myth is keeping your potential chained like a dog on a leash. 

That glimmer of potential is what has kept you slogging away for so long. 

And chances are that you’re right, deep down the business has the potential for much more. 

After all, you’ve made it further than most. 

To unleash your potential you face a choice… 

Keep on down the same old wrong tunnels, or go a new way. 

Choose wisely. 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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