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Becoming shamelessly lazy to wildly profit

August 22, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

August 22, 2024

The other week a righteous replier didn’t want to play with me… 


“Knob. Stop promoting hustle, hard work, and 24/7 working!” 


“My hustle is if I’m still in the office by 3 pm it’s been a bad day.” 

After that, reply guy disappeared. 

Truth is, I’m very anti-hustle. 

There are only 24 hours in a day. 

And even if you could bend the laws of human life and work them all… what then?

After a certain point, graft rarely fixes crappy scale. 

I’m all about being lazy. 

Meaning, working less and making more is always front and centre. 

What’s more, I encourage every man inside of my two groups to be lazy too.

Now, most of them are anything but lazy…. 

Like most men who have built something of their own, they’re grafters. 

Grit, determination and working your balls off comes with the territory. 

And it’s something I routinely beat out of them with a big, heavy stick. 

See, at the start that ‘grafter’ mentality did you favours. 

After all, you built something of your own, when most cannot. 

But once you get further down the road?

The grafter mentality is a curse. 

It plagues your growth at every turn… 

It holds you back, like a dog on the end of a leash. 

It keeps you plateaued and smaller than you would like.  

… And, well, it keeps you overworked and underpaid. 

Point is, the graft will only get you so far. 

After that ‘lazy’’ has to take over… if you want to B-I-G scale.

It comes back to One Man Empire Iron Law #10…

“Become Shamelessly Lazy To Profit Wildly.”

Something that I go into in-depth and in detail in my latest book:

The Forbidden Secrets Of A Man Empire.

….I also go deep into the other 11 Iron Laws of Man, Money & Freedom that have stood the test of time, behind these closed doors.

And you can get it on Amazon for a steal right now.

You just need to click the link below, choose your poison – Kindle, paperback, hardcover or audible:


Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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