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“Charlie, I’ve lost 2.16 million!”

June 27, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

June 27, 2024

This story starts with Scott…  

An environmental engineer. 

Since joining our ranks he’s gone from £17K to £35K a month.  

A pretty sweet extra £18K in his war chest every month, and no more than he deserves… 

But that is N-O-T what this story is about. 

This tale is more of the ‘give with one hand, take away with the other’ kinda deal. 

See, whilst this success is great news for now…

It is bad news for ‘lost opportunity.’ 

See, when we were talking the other day, I asked myself: 

How many years could Scott have been making more money? 

Answer: a lot. 

Best guess is at least 10, Scott is no spring chicken. 

Then, to add to my torture, I did some back of a fags packet maths and worked out how big could his war chest have been.  

Answer: painfully massive. 

£2.16 million. 

It was a nightmare version of Jim Bowen on Bullseye: 

“Look at what you could have won!” 

Because reality is, Scott isn’t selling anything new or in some fancy new industry. 

It’s the same man, in the same business. That’s the way the S.A.S Protocols™ work.

And let me be clear, I’m not saying the right thing to do is to apply to join us. 

This isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. 

But what I am saying is this… 

Every day you do nothing is a lost opportunity. 

Time is a basturd like that, you cannot get it back. 

And I get it. 

Walking a new road is hard. 

It’s why so many men in this game choose to stay on the sidelines. 

…Frustrated they aren’t making what they deserve. 

…Watching as others move on. 

…Complaining that others have more. 

And staying on the sidelines is dumb fuckery of the highest order.

It keeps you stuck and stagnating, and missing out on having whatever it is you really want. 

So, I’ll cut to the chase…

Lost opportunity is screwing you.  

If you want to get off the sidelines and push to £1M+ without an army of employees, then go here and apply to join us now… 


And if that doesn’t float your boat, take action on whatever the hell does. 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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