Don’t bet on their game

September 3, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

September 3, 2024

A rant today about a big problem for men in this game…

Something that holds most of us back when it comes to scale and profit. 

See, back in July I got dragged into a stuffy boardroom.

You know the type, floor-to-ceiling glass, swizzle chairs, no fresh air. 

I was there against my will, for a friend. 

He wanted help vetting candidates for a new advertising agency. 

Normally I would’ve refused, but he lured me in like a child…

With the promise of my favourite burger afterwards. 

So there I was, sweating, listening to the latest pitch. 

‘Agency Joe’ was droning on about some B.S ad metric when my ears pricked up. 

“I’ve spent millions on ads. I know what I’m doing.” 

My response: 

“Not of your own money you haven’t.”

A crucial distinction in this game.  

And don’t get me wrong, I believe this guy has spent millions on ads. 

…Of other folks’ money. 

Was Agency Joe putting his own cash behind ads for a circle-jerk of comments? 

He was not. 

And this is when ‘ownership’ comes into play. 

Because folks like Agency Joe will never tell you what’s really going on. 

They’re touting for business… looking to impress you… wanting to get into your business pants.

If you want to push to £1M+ you need honesty. 

Hardcore honesty, that isn’t looking for a paycheck or a project. 

An honest environment where others will tell you their experiences…what’s working, what’s not, and everything in between. 

And the easiest way to do that is to get around other men that have done exactly that. 

Now, I’m not saying you have to apply here, but I am saying this…inside the One Man Empire there’s a solid group of good men who have what you want

  • Paul in North Wales is up from 65K to £117K per month.
  • Matt in Scotland who went from 32K to £115K  per month
  • Hayden in the West Midlands who hit £1.5million.
  • Steve in the Midlands scaled to £76K per month with just one member of staff
  • John in the South East made £480K in Q1. 
  • Paul in Devon is up from 30K a month to £47K per month.

And that’s just for starters. 

So the choice is yours. 

Apply to join us here, or keep trying to work it out alone. 

Either way, I urge you, if you want more in this life, you’d be wise to get around others who have done just that. 

….Quick smart. 

And if you think we’re the motley crew for you and you’re ready to push £1M+ without an army of employees, go here and apply to join us now…

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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