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Ever asked yourself this common question about scale?

May 28, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

May 28, 2024

Ever asked yourself this question about scaling up:

“Should I diversify, maybe add some more services, maybe it’ll help make me more money?”

If you have, my advice is short and sweet.  

Don’t do it. 

Seriously, don’t.

Well, not until you’ve passed £1.5-2M anyway.

Let me explain….

For most men in this game diversifying before scaling is a B-I-G mistake. 

I know because twelve years ago, I made it…  

After years of being in the email marketing game, I decided to add web design to my bag of tricks. 

People had asked for it.

People wanted to pay for it. 

And I, well, I wanted to capitalise on it.

A small addition for big money, right? 


Not quite.

It was the domino that started my demise…

Now, in the beginning, the extra service brought in extra cash.

However, just a couple of months the cracks appeared… 

  • There were more moving parts. 
  • There were more people to manage. 
  • There were more costs creeping in. 

The headaches stacked up, fast.  

And here’s the thing I didn’t know back then… 

Complexity adds pain. 

To profit and sanity. 

And that complexity means that all too soon… 

That extra money being made vanishes into thin air.

So, whilst on paper turnover looks great, profit is pitiful. 

The truth is, complexity kills scale. 

Especially if you want to scale to £1m+ without an army of employees to feed. 

It’s why ‘simple’ is the first nut to crack in this game, and it is a pillar of my S.A.S Protocols™… 

Because simple is much easier to scale. 

And the reality is when you’ve built things yourself, brick by brick, chances are things have got messy. 

It’s no surprise, just like I did you take on a project here and there….. a type of project here and there…. And suddenly scale is harder and harder. 

Once you strip a business down to its money-making core, scale happens. 

… Results like this in 2024:

  • Karl doubled profit and is now working three days a week. 
  • Alex is up 48% compared to last year, all whilst working less. 
  • Hayden hit £1.3million. 
  • Matt is up from 32K a month to £64K per month.
  • After a standing start, Leon will break £100K. 
  • Paul is up from 30K a month to £47K per month. 
  • Other Paul is up from 65K to £117K  per month.  
  • Jonathan’s profit is up 470% and he had his best Q1 in 15 years. 
  • Tony has doubled from 201K to £403K. 
  • John made £480K in Q1 alone. He was in the red when he joined.  

Turning messy, complex businesses into…. a simple, automated machine that scales. 

And if you’re after the simple life and you’re ready to push to £1M+ without an army of employees, then here’s what to do next.

  • Read the page below
  • Fill in the application 
  • Let’s talk 


Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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