Last week I screwed up at being a Dad (again).
What made it worse was that I didn’t even realise – until bedtime.
See, I was putting Barney to bed, and as I said goodnight and gave him a kiss….
He looked up at me with big, sad eyes and in a quiet voice, whispered.
“Dad I got star worker at school today, you weren’t there.”
I’d dropped the ball.
Made worse by the fact that I knew in advance he was getting the award.
The teacher had texted me.
I forgot.
Leaving Barney stood in front of the school, smiling from ear to ear, and desperately looking to find his dad beaming back with pride…
… But I wasn’t there.
Now as swallowed hard and I padded downstairs, I remembered my fatal error….
I forgot to put it in my diary.
See, I schedule everything… from working out, managing members and even calling my mum.
It’s one of my Iron Laws.
I’m ruthless with it.
It gives me the freedom to work 6 hours a day.
If it isn’t in the schedule, it ain’t happening.
Which is exactly why Barney bore the backlash last week.
So whilst I whole-heartedly believe that a schedule sets you free…
It only works if you remember to put the thing in your diary.
Point being I’m only human.
… And humans do stupid shit like forget.
Probably why one of my other Iron Laws is “Automate or Die.”
Because machines don’t forget… or get tired… or need a break.
Anyway, next week, it’s sports day…
… So you best believe that one’s already been put in the diary and set in stone.
Until next time.
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton