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Important if you run a ‘manual’ business…

July 2, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

July 2, 2024

A funny story about me, Columbo and a man named ‘Idiot Mike’… 

But first, the house fun continues with renovating. 

As a wonky old barn, there are no straight lines in this fcuker. 

…So everything needs to be custom aka not cheap.

Got recommended to a cabinet maker, Mike. 

And here’s how it went down… 


Mike: “So, your wife is fiery eh? I didn’t call her back a few times. Four times actually.” 

Charlie: “Oh yeah, that’ll do it. You’ll be on the hit list now. You know, you could fix that with automation.”

Mike (looking like an alien just landed in my kitchen): “What?! I’m a cabinet maker. It’s all manual, look at the state of these hands. You can’t automate what I do.” 

Charlie: “Fair enough.” 

I left Mike to it then, a while later he came back in for my Columbo moment.

Charlie: “Just, one more thing, with workshop bookings for folks looking at samples. You can easily automate that. Would mean no calling people back, no forgetting to call people, would save lots of time…”

Mike: “I’ve got loads of work though.”

Charlie: “You have. You could charge more like this, and weed out the cheapskates.” 

Mike: “Hmmm. That would be better.” 

Charlie: “More money is always better. You can automate the cabinet fitting booking. And automate taking the deposit, which can be waaaay bigger too.”

Mike: “Oh. Didn’t think I could do that.” 

Charlie: “You can do whatever you want. You can automate payment before fitting too so the cash is in before you even get to their house.”

Mike: “I hate chasing payment.”

Charlie: “Me too. You can automate updates on the build process. No manual texts, or no phone calls from my fiery wife.” 

Mike: “I hate getting pestered by customers, including your wife.”

Charlie: “Don’t we all. And you can automate the project management of making the cabinets….” 

Mike: “What?! Really?” 

Charlie: “Oh yeah, that would save a fcuk tonne of time. And…”

Mike: “ENOUGH!” 

Charlie: “No Mike, this is just the beginning.” 


And that is Mike, a man who despite building amazing cabinets all over my wonky house is an idiot.

…By hanging on to the belief that you can’t automate a manual business, he has lost out. 

Lost out and wasted years making less than he deserved. 

And wasted years of his time and freedom in the process. 

Truth is, if you do not have automation inside your business, you are leaving B-I-G money on the table. 

And that is dumb fcukery of the highest order. 

Especially when you want to make more and provide more for your family. 

The reality is there is no secret sauce to pushing to £1M+ without an army of employees. 

…But automating the shyt out of a business is a good place to start. 

And much easier than you think, men here do it all the time. 

It’s how Electrician Paul is up from 30K a month to £47K per month with no employees. 

How Engineer Chris scaled from 12K to £48K per month with no employees.  

And how Builder Paul is up from 65K to £117K  per month.

All manual. 

All automated. 

All making and providing more than ever before. 

So if you’re ready to get on the automation train, this is a good place to start: 


Luckily for Mike, he is now an idiot in recovery. 

I urge you to be the same. 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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