I had a weird and instructive email this week about profitability and scale…
“Charlie, love your stuff. I know 2024 can be the year my engineering practice really flies. But I’ve got a few headaches (mainly customers), my lease is up, and I am struggling to bring on good staff. What would you do? Ian S – Hereford.”
Now if like Ian, you feel that 2024 can be the year that you finally get what you want – I’m going to walk you through the new science of scaling in just one second.
But first…
Let’s tackle the elephant in the room and in that email.
The excuses.
Because if like Ian you have that many excuses, you will need all the luck you can get.
And I get it.
It’s not your fault.
Humans are hardwired to make excuses.
Something to do with a primal need to remove responsibility and pass the buck.
Trouble is, right now and in this game the excuses are endless – and deadly…
.Excuses about customers.
.Excuses about employees.
.Excuses about government.
.Excuses about interest rates.
.Excuses about competitors.
.Excuses about brexit.
.Excuses about your wife.
.Excuses about your ex-wife.
.Excuses about your kids.
Now I’m not saying these things aren’t real.
B-U-T am saying this:
Wherever you let excuses live, you will lose.
I’ll be honest, I get a lot of emails and a lot of messages from a lot of men – full of excuses.
“I want to scale up but I can’t get off the tools…”
“I want to apply but I’ve not got much time…”
“I need to do this but maybe not this month…”
And here’s the thing…
When you let excuses rule the roost – YOU stay stuck.
… While others move on.
Maybe that’s why the men here are so successful.
Excuses are not an option.
The reality is whether you pull the trigger or not….
The world turns either way.
The men inside my four walls will continue to keep pushing to 1M+ and beyond, with or without you.
And here’s the real rub.
By the time you realise you missed the boat – they’ll be living a new life.
Which brings me onto how you can make 2024 the year that you finally get what you want.
Kill all your excuses.
Best way to do that?
By choosing to apply and join me here and in one of my two groups.
… Now, if you want more information on those groups and exactly how this process will push to £1M+ then I have good news.
Over the last three months, I’ve been writing a NEW “guide” to One Man Empire and my S.A.S Protocols.
Ultimately a deep-dive into how this thing works, and how you can rapidly…
Escape the hamster wheel, take back control, and push to £1m+ …without any more employees.
Including a lot of the secrets, I’ve only ever shared behind my closed doors.
Consider this dossier your step-by-step plan to easily simplify, automate, and scale your business.
(The link to the page is at the bottom of this email.)
Now, this isn’t your usual guide and I’m not sure how long I’ll leave it up.
Could be 5 more months or could be 5 more days…
So, if you want ‘more’ I would strongly suggest reading (or listening) today and before it’s too late.
Either way, remember in this game…
Your success rests on your shoulders.
Don’t shirk your responsibility, this year, to provide what you deserve… What they deserve.
So if you are ready to push to 1M+ without an army of employees, here’s what to do next.
1. Read the NEW page below
2. Fill in the application
3. Let’s talk
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton