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Making America Great Again (Again?)

February 18, 2024  

By Charlie Hutton

February 18, 2024

Like the cockroach that can’t be killed…

Or the Phoenix rising from the ashes…

(depending on how you look at it)

Donald Trump is back. 

As I write, it looks like the 2024 Republican nomination is his.

He’ll run for President of the USA – again. 

Despite the court cases… 

Despite the “pyssy grabbing”… 

And despite the lost election… 

Chances are, 2024 will be Trump vs Biden. 


Who will win the next round? 

No idea. 

I’m just here to watch the show. 

But what I do know is this… 

Trump is human Marmite. 

Some despise him to the depths of their souls. 

Others hero-worship the ground on which he walks.

There is very little in-between. 

Which is instructive.

… Because you too would be wise to wildly polarise, if you want to dramatically profit. 


Nobody remembers Bland Billy. 

Nobody is passionate about Bland Billy. 

… And nobody is falling over themselves to give Bland Billy their hard-earned money. 

Playing it safe, and being middle of the road, might be easy… 

But it will leave you broke. 

After all, if history has taught us anything, it’s that:

Fortune favours the bold…

It does not favour the forgettable. 

Because when you…

Stand for something you stand out. 

When you stand out you get attention.

And when you have attention you have the chance to pitch and propose for profit.

So, here’s to making America great again. 


Until next time. 

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton 


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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