Last weekend an old friend came to stay – he lives in New York.
Over the last two decades, he has done very (very) well.….
But, every time we see each other, I thank my lucky stars I’m NOT him.
Now, don’t get me wrong, he has the sort of job that my Mum would love to brag about.
In the Jobs-Your-Mum-Loves-To-Brag-About-Olympics, his Ma is only beaten if there’s a mother of a heart surgeon in the room.
On paper, this job has all the perks – big salary, big title, big house.
Living The American Dream.
And yet he is a servant.
The control he has over his life?
Next to none.
He constantly lives with someone else’s boot pressing down on his neck.
His client says jump, he says how high.
His boss says bend over, he reaches for the lube.
… Sure he makes enough to buy the cake but he never gets to take a bite.
In other words – his soul has been sold to the devil.
Fcuk that.
Life is too short.
Plus, let’s not forget, in this life, you can have your cake and eat it too.
Especially when you are in our shoes.
Yes, my friend, you can make money AND have freedom.
Despite what the losers on LinkedIn will tell you, those two things are not mutually exclusive – if you choose to do things the right way.
And yes, I get it.
At times it is tough being the captain of your own ship.
All the weight is on your shoulders.
… But when you consider the alternatives – I wouldn’t have it any other way.
And neither should you.
Until next time,
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton