"You Are the Average Of The Five Men you Spend Your most Time With"
- Jim rohn
They say that you’re the average of the five people that you spend the most time with, which is why this brotherhood exists - so you can commit to raising your average.
You see the trouble is, and too often men in our shoes are blindsided by so much day-to-day shit that for most men it’s near impossible to see the wood through the trees.
It’s why the ONLY solution to any problem is to seek outside counsel from others that are cut from the same cloth. People who have already walked in your shoes and come out the other side.
Too many people go through life blinkered by their business and held under water by the mediocre majority. They live on the surface of what they’re doing, what their industry is doing, what their environment tells them – but they don’t try to get deeper into this game.
Now, this brotherhood is about you getting some PERSPECTIVE on how the other carefully assembled members in The Fellowship are playing this game.
You see, successful men view their business as a business, and with that are seeking the skills and ‘in the trenches’ knowledge that is not taught in books, online courses or on YouTube videos.
Instead they choose to leverage the minds and first-hand experience of the others. The the biggest breakthroughs often come not from a question you have – but from hearing what’s working for other men, in other businesses.
Because truth be told, the path has already been trodden. You just need to leverage the multiplied-intelligence that happens in an environment like this in a refined, powerful structure.
It’s exactly why, my friend, The One Man Empire Fellowship was born.
Specifically to create the UK’s only environment for male business owners who want to remove the stress, overwhelm, fatigue and confusion by finally taking back control.
Consider this a secret society of other smart, ambitious and like-minded men that’s been designed with brotherhood built in from the ground up.
Possibly the only other men (and business owners) on this planet that get exactly what it’s like to go through what you’re going through, and how to come out on the other side.
That said, I suspect as an independent thinker you will not accept other people’s opinions without satisfactory proof – which is why I imagine you are still on the outside of The Fellowship looking in, not staring out.
… Curious, hungry and on the hunt for proof that this movement works, this process works and this kind of male-driven environment works.
And wanting to see EXACTLY HOW this secret society of men is taking back control by doubling their business, increasing their profitability and redefining what it is to be a man in today’s game – without sacrificing everything.
So let me introduce to you the kind of men that are already on the other side of door and inside of this environment.
Smart Ambitious MEN Who ARe...
You DO NOT need to reinvent the wheel
“The Fellowship is incredibly exclusive and secret society of men in business, that are redefining what it is to run a business in todays age”
“The Fellowship is made up of smart, hungry, ambitious men who are 100% committed to this course of action, this group and supporting the other men that decide to step foot on this journey with them"
"I've Made More Money In Six Weeks Than Would Normally Make In Six Months"
Chris has created a business that most will never experience and shows you what is possible when you start operating in this new way. He fired all eight employees, eliminated grunt work and is making more money than ever... All while spending days at a time out of the business sand with his new daughter Effie.
Mark Lloyd Case Study
"I've Gone From Directionless To Levelling Up My Business FAST..."
Successful consultant and video games veteran Mark Loyd not only started his journey directionless but with a deep feeling of untapped potential and desire to level up. Since then he's levelled up his customers, he's levelled up his marketing, he's levelled up his business and he's finally taken back control for good.
ADAm Browne Case Study
"More Control. More Motivated And Moving Forward Even When The Sky Is Falling..."
Adam started his baptism of fire knowing that if he stayed on his current course he'd lose everything. Feeling isolated and alone The One Man Empire Way gave Adam the tools, accountability and brotherhood he needed to start standing tall among giants. The net result being, automated systems, more control and rapid growth of 281%.
Matt Hamsworth Case Study
"I've Scaled By Over 400% In The Last 12 Months And Still Keep Growing..."
The stakes were high for Matt. As his core business nose-dived out of control he knew he needed to do something else to secure financial freedom for himself and his youngest son James. Refusing to die, Matt resurrected his business from the dead. His income exploded by over 400% in just 12 months.
Mark taylor Case Study
"I Drive Over Seven Hours Straight Just To Be Around These Other Men..."
A true One Man Empire, Mark has always worked alone and was starting to feel isolated and powerless. While having the support and accountability of the other men in this tribe Mark has ratcheted up the volume in all areas of his life. Weeks of distraction have been replaced with a laser-like focus on starting to create freedom.
Tommy Kelly Case Study
"After 25 Years, I Can Finally See The Light At The End Of The Tunnel..."
Fresh-faced and new to this journey, Tommy was on the fence for months before having the courage to fill out an application and join. Just eight hours into his rapid deployment, and despite being a bundle of nerves, he's already started to experience the power and relief that comes from finally having a strategic strike to freeing up time with the family, increasing profits within the business and reducing stress.
Tony mckenna Case Study
"I've Built Two Brand NEW Business From The Ground Up, When No One Said I Could..."
Despite being a wild successfully entrepreneur and numbers man, Tony still suffered from distraction and not being able to see the wood through the trees. He came to One Man Empire on the hunt for connection and accountability from other smart ambitious men. Three years on his journey, Tony had launched two brand new businesses from the ground up and continues to produce in ways in ways he never thought possible.
Andy & Joel Case Study
"We've 4X Growth In The Last 12 Months And Still Expanding, Even In A Pandemic!"
When the pandemic struck Joel and Andy's business took an immediate hit, a blindside that forced them face-first into No Man’s Land. Overwhelmed, overstretched and ready to burn it all to the ground, they started to operate the One Man Empire way, a decision that meant they turned it around from the brink, and 4X'd the business.
simeon cattle Case Study
"This Has Empowered Me To Increase My Turnover by Over 201%..."
Simeon started this journey only looking for insight from other men who "get it." Not only did he get that, but The One Man Empire Way has also given him the tools, the environment and the confidence to do what no one else said was possible. He increased turnover by 201% without taking on an army of employees.
Neil & Ian Case Study
"We've Removed Manual labour And Increased Net Profit By 130%..."
Successful entrepreneurs, Neil & Ian had built a rapidly expanding asbestos empire and were searching for a better way to ensure consistent, predictable growth. On the other side of this journey, and they have deployed a workhorse and machine that has transformed everything - ultimately removing manual labour and increasing net profit by 130%.
James Ashbourne Case Study
"I've Hit My Twelve Month Revenue Target In Just 5 Short Weeks..."
Fed up of working for the man, James jacked it all in and stared out on his own two feet. Despite a successful start, he hit an immovable plateau and dead-end. He started this journey a life-changing target he wanted to achieve in twelve months - in five short weeks on this journey that target was obliterated, achieved and banked.
paul cammack Case Study
"My Daily Takings Are Up by 400% In Just 6 Months And I'm Still Scaling ..."
Fed up of settling and just plodding along, Paul knew deep down that he wasn't where he wanted to be. After stepping foot on this journey he made a declaration to put the hammer down and take on the world. A hard-line in the sand to operate The One Man Empire Way, that's resulted in a rapid rise of over 400%.
Dean Sanders Case Study
"I've Now Got An Unshakeable Confidence to Grow And Keep Pushing Forward..."
Dean came to One Man Empire in a loop of persecution and panic. Looking for a new way that would give him direction, get him organised and reduce stress - he got more than he bargained for. Inspired by the other ambitious men in the tribe, Dean finally saw what was possible. A realisation that empowered him with the unshakable confidence to make more, provide more and be more without having to sacrifice it all.
micheal bambling Case Study
"I've Finally Taken Back Control From Contractors, Clients And Customers..."
After 17 years of suffering at the hands of employees, clients and contractors, Micheal suspected there must be a better way to provide & protect. What he found on his journey was a path to even greater purpose & power. Thanks to the other men in this tribe he found his fight again, a mantra for money and motivation that has allowed him to start to profit from passion and take back control for good.
Secure Your Seat & Start The Fellowship Application Process
... That MADE The Decision To JOIN To The Fellowship
I know what you're thinking... "Charlie, The Fellowship sounds exactly like what I've been looking for, BUT in order to apply, I need to know what I can expect in return for my investment?"
Truth is that question is impossible for me to answer.
See, I don't yet know you or how committed you are too pushing your business forward and taking back control. That said, I do track the numbers, so let me now show you what the average men around the table did last year when they decided to step-up and take back control.
Or in other words, the average return on investment for our Fellowship Members is £21.49 for every £1 that they have invested. Which made for an average ...
Annual Revenue Increase of £140,046*
Do you see what is possible when you double down on YOU.
It's why if you want a good investment I suggest you fill out an application and apply for your seat around the table today. If you are like the men that have trodden this path before, then take my word, it will do what you want.
...BUT here's the thing, you are the only one who can convince yourself that it's right.
* Pre-tax numbers based on the information collected from members that were in The Fellowship from Jan 1st 2019 - Jan 1st 2020.
Secure Your Seat & Start The Fellowship Application Process
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