URGENT Dispatch: Friday 14th February
World Famous Leader Of The One Man Empire Movement Levels A Stark Warning About This NEW Economic Storm And Urges Self-Made Men To Prepare For…
“The Great British Bloodbath”
Below: Discover the Three Steps You Need To Take As Soon As September 31st at 8.31 a.m. To Bulletproof Your Business From The Worst Financial Crisis Ever…
Listen to this dispatch:

FROM: Lichfield, Small Market Town, United Kingdom
Dear Fellow Brother Of This Tribe,
This great nation has just let out a blood-curdling SCREEAAAMMMM…
Rocketing Energy Prices…? Economic Emergency…? Record-Breaking Recession?
For most men at the helm of a business, it’s never been more confusing or f***** up.
Most of us are left wondering when will this tornado of s*** finally end…
And when it does, just how bad will the fallout of this Great British Bloodbath really be?
Well, today I have answers, news and more.
I recommend you read this entire message and ACT NOW before it's too late.
Hi, my name is Charlie Hutton.
And for the last decade, in my documentaries, in my books and in the press, I’ve been fighting the corner of the most misunderstood and under-appreciated people on the planet today.
Self-made men.
The “unemployable”, just like you, who rolled the dice and put it all on the line in order to provide and protect.

Now, what I’m about to walk you through will not be a popular opinion…
Some of what you are about to read WILL be controversial and offensive…
It goes against the grain and pokes holes in much of what you’re hearing about the state of this union in the mainstream media today.
So if you are a “die-hard” Daily Mail drone who blindly believes in the pumped-up propaganda pushed in the press…
Or a patsy for political promises who’s convinced that deep down they really do have your best interests at heart…
…Then I can tell you right now, this dispatch is NOT for you…
Today, I have NO plans on sugar coating the life you lead or what’s about to punch you square in the face.
I plan on giving you nothing but the facts of the current situation and where that leaves us’ens at the helm of our own business right now...
In other words, as you keep reading, you are going to get the truth…
If that’s what you’ve been looking for, then, my friend, you are in the right place.
Here’s What This Is All About…
The financial crisis is here and the economy is starting to crumble before our very eyes – not just in the UK. But around the world. The consequences could be DEVASTATING for those who fail to prepare.
UK Families Are “Brutally Exposed”

Today, I am going to show you why the next few weeks may prove to be the most critical moment in determining how you continue to put money on the table in this bare new world…
… And why the fallout from this train wreck could bring a dark mark to your door, much sooner than you might think.
More importantly, I will walk you through the next pivotal steps you need to take now to avoid this powder keg and the enemy already knocking at your gates…
Consider these steps as three simple strategic strikes you can deploy to profit and plunder in the days, weeks and even months ahead – no matter how much s*** starts hitting the fan.
I’m talking about easy and efficient “economic hijacks” that will F-O-R-C-E you to resurrect your cash flow, reclaim your freedom, safeguard your sanity and much, much more.
Because despite what you may think, I’m optimistic about the future.
In my experience, in every crisis lies an enormous opportunity – but only for those who have the heritage of strength to MOVE QUICKLY.
The Silent Killer With A Gun Against Your Head…
For the last 12 months, you and I have unwittingly been held ransom by a dark mark whose goal has been to bleed us dry.
The funny thing is and despite what you might think, this dark force is NOT the pandemic.
It’s NOT Brexit.
It’s NOT the Tories.
And it’s NOT even the new “stealth” taxes or restrictive red tape.
It’s much, much worse than that.
It’s a hidden heist.
An income invasion that’s being carried out on your bank account and in plain sight.
A “Cold War” On Your Back Pocket
One that doesn’t require any legislation or parliamentary approval.
One that has the power to take your money, take your profits, take your savings and make them worthless – overnight and while you sleep.
The traitor in your midst?
The Mother Of All Price Jacks
Over a year ago, the writing was already on the wall.
On more than one occasion, I predicted the next nails in the coffin.
But excuses were already being made.
Yet here we all are.
It’s The Biggest Bloodbath In Over 60 Years
Inflation has spread like wildfire and it’s been secretly taking your money.
But now the cat is out of the bag – it’s going hell for leather.

A raping and pillaging across the board and of epic proportions.
… And that only scratches the surface.
Inflation To Hit “Astronomical” 15% ...

There’s also the NEW catastrophic cost of food that's continuing to skyrocket.

A hurt locker that has society scrambling and running scared as they try to adapt to falling below the new poverty line.
Think Collision Course With A “Nuclear November”
Even though we’ve started to see belts tighten, it’s nothing compared to what’s being forecast.
It makes the sudden swells we’ve witnessed so far look like child's play as things gear up to go nuclear.
The rumour mill has energy prices rising another 78% by the time winter kicks in – and that’s just their starter for ten.
Further Shocks To Come...

God only knows where the cards will actually land and when the curtain will finally fall.
No surprise that predictions are telling tales of turmoil that might last for the next two, three, maybe even ten years.
A Forecasted Lost Decade
Begging the question…
Can you afford to drop your income by 20%, 30%, maybe even 50% as we go hurtling further down this rabbit hole?
What would that mean… for your life… for your family… for your current situation?
What would it mean for any plans to retire, exit or sell up shop?
And f***… I know – I get it.
It’s a hard possibility to consider.
But it’s important to remember that this small consideration now is nothing compared to the big consequence of considering it too late.
Especially when you understand what’s really at play.
This Threat Is Only Beginning
I keep hoping to get you good news.
Sadly, that is not likely.
The truth is emerging and it’s clear that we are already in the early stages of full-blown panic.
Despite attempts by the puppets in power to play this down, people are feeling more than just a pinch.
But here’s the kicker.
Plummeting personal prosperity is only half the picture.
Your Greatest Danger Is Rock Bottom Profitability
Make no bones about it…
If left unchecked, it will be businesses like ours that are going to be forced to bear the brunt of this Great British Bloodbath.
Half Of UK Small Businesses At Risk Of Collapse...

Because as the cookie continues to crumble, most men in our shoes are going to start experiencing at least one of the following:
… and your government wanting men like YOU and me, who are already propping up the economy, to foot the bill and cover their shortfall.
This is where REAL losses occur.
And this, my friend, is where you get f****d – on all fronts.
It’s Money Maths 101.
Higher Costs + Less Income = Bloodbath
Even Booming Businesses Are Being Eaten Alive
Is it any wonder that the number of businesses going bust, or taking a bullet to the back of the head, has jumped by 40% already this year…?

The lion's share being voluntary, NOT compulsory.
Meaning, they were mercy kills.
Self-sacrificing suicide from those at the helm to get off the hamster wheel and end the suffering – for good.
No surprise when you consider that despite all of the blood, sweat and tears – profits are plummeting. Everything is hard work. Nothing feels safe and in the cold hard light of day, at times, it would be easier to just stack shelves in Tesco.
To add insult to injury:
- They blame Europe.
- They blame China.
- They blame Putin.
- They blame each other.
- They blame you.
- They blame me.
- They blame everyone but themselves.
How Much Longer Can You Go?
It’s clear as day that the BIG issue facing men in our shoes is fast becoming when will enough be enough.
Because if you are currently running on empty, with little left in the tank – you are not alone.
Seems more men than ever are overwhelmed, underpaid and on the cusp of throwing in the towel.
Those with their head in the sand will tell you that this s*** show will slow and stabilise over time.
But it doesn’t matter.
It’s here today.
And the message is clear.
The value of your money has gone down and what you need to make has gone up – dramatically.
All Is Not (Yet) Lost
Thank f*** you are not in a job.
Thank f*** you have the power to control your own destiny.
And thank f*** there is some light at the end of the tunnel.
You Can Still Prosper AND Profit - Even In This New Economy.
Over the last 18 months, and exclusively for the men of my two groups … I’ve been ruthlessly helping them insulate themselves from this bulls***.
Deep discussions on mission-critical “strategic strikes” have been had, recorded and locked away inside of our private War Room.
Intimate intensives on things like:
… and much, much more.
What some have hailed a “forging in fire” as they burn the ships and continue to grow and scale – against all odds.
The overarching battle plan has been simple and effective:
Take Three Pivotal Steps To Bulletproof Your Business From The Bloodshed
In a moment, I will walk you through all three.
First, it’s important to note that getting access to this kind of help and insight from me is nigh on impossible from outside my four walls.
My flagship group, The Fellowship, is full 80% of the year.

My NEW pilot initiative, The Alliance, has been locked out to over 75% of those who apply.
Probably why men clamber hand over first to get their foot in the door whenever there is a chance.
However, because of what you keep reading and because of my commitment to this cause…
The Alliance is moving to the next level and I’m opening up an opportunity for you to secure one of FIVE new spots.
That means, for a limited time, you can personally get my help to weather this storm.
After you read through the mission-critical steps below, you will have the rare chance to apply, join us, and claim a seat for yourself around the table.
So let’s get to it.
Step #1: Stop Bleeding Money
If the past couple of years have taught us anything, it’s that there's one thing that will steady any ship, in any crisis.
More importantly, cash in YOUR back pocket.
Trouble is, settling invoices and getting paid is taking longer than ever.
They say you will get paid – but the question is when.
Now, here’s what most don’t realise about delayed payments, especially at times like these.
People STOP paying.
Whether it’s bankruptcy, breakdown or just bulls*** behaviour – it’s time to bear in mind that there is no longer any guarantee that you will get your money.
A problem that will only get worse as The Great British Bloodbath continues and “Nuclear November” rolls in.
In fact, if your payment terms are 7 days, 30 days, maybe 60 days, or longer – we should talk about your exposure to risk – urgently.
After all…
Cash today will ALWAYS trump the promise of payment tomorrow.
So right now you would be wise to start moving up the money pyramid.
Attracting customers with DEEP pockets.
The kind of customers who pay upfront and on time – every time.
“People in our group are NOT seeing this as a period of sacrifice...”
- Member Of Responsible Wealth
Now it’s important to consider that these types of customers DO exist. And it’s in times like these that they come out of the woodwork and start spending money.
Because for them, price is never a determining factor.
It’s why they keep spending and why in turbulent times they should become your safe harbour…
It’s also why on our LIVE Assembly of The Alliance call-ins, I’ve recently covered in depth:
And the best way to keep them coming back for more…
… Ultimately so that the men here can consistently inject cash – at the drop of a hat.
Resources, training and documentation that I’m told has been the making of men and saviour of souls over the last 12 months alone.
Now, even though this insight has never been sold and is marked strictly for member use only...
I will grant you FULL access to them and everything else that’s locked within the War Room...
… If and only if you choose to step foot inside of The Alliance…
But before you make that decision, let me turn your attention to your second pivotal step.
Step #2: Drop The Dead Wood
Cash is only half of it.
During a big squeeze, employees are where most get REALLY f****d.
Employees eat cash for breakfast.
Made worse by the fact that as inflation continues to skyrocket, so do employee costs – by a factor of two.
That’s before you take into consideration that they will be asking for even more money, sooner rather than later.
Not to mention, that most of the mass mediocre majority have never been more work-shy or lazy.
Something I suspect is a direct result of receiving hefty hand-outs and free money while frolicking on furlough.
It’s why aimlessly adding body after body to any business never works because most employees are nothing more than dead wood.
The fact of the matter is, even if you could get free labour, on tap, that did what you asked when you asked it...
It makes you slow and cumbersome.
It's why as a rule you’re wise to keep business interests LEAN and agile whenever there’s an economic downturn.
It means you can turn on a dime and in a blink of an eye.
Which of course is Darwinism 101.
Adapt or DIE
Making the mantra for money in any financial meltdown, this:
Minimises Employees. Maximises Systems.
It’s why when men of The Alliance jump onto their Live Rapid Deployment Sessions, nine times out of ten, we focus on the installation of systems above all else.
Because systems set men free...
… While keeping overheads low and profits high.
That said, do not…
I repeat…
Do NOT consider what these kinds of systems or rapid deployment sessions could do to insulate you from the incoming implosion – until you read step number three.
Step #3: Beware Of False Profits
Knowing that cash and systems are the only way to survive and thrive in this crisis is key.
Yet here is the thing…
They will do very little — if anything — unless you act. After all – nothing happens until something gets done.
Procrastination is dangerous at any time for any man. And in a downturn?
Procrastination is extinction.
Because at times like these, if you don't act, you die.
Thanks to energy hikes, rate increases, fuel prices and the like, what you now need to make — to just stand still — is double.
It's back to Money Maths 101.
If costs go up 20% and what you make only goes up 10% - you’re still down ten points, even though you’re technically making more money.
A slippery slope to the bottom of f****d up beyond all recognition.
And a painful reality that means if you want to put more money in your back pocket – you’ve got to grow by 30%, 40% maybe even 50% to see some return on your effort.
Businesses Must Act Now Or Face Losing Thousands

... Or in other words:
“Staying calm and carrying on” does not cut the mustard.
Men that don’t act right now are on a one-way ticket to hell in a hand basket…
More Work. More Hassle. More Overwhelm.
Less Money. Less Time. Less Freedom.
It’s why right now procrastination needs to take a bullet to the head and priorities and execution need to rule the roost - if you want to make more and work less.
The best way to prioritise and execute?
- Have a strategic plan.
- Force that plan into action.
The good news is thanks to steps 1-2, you already know what your immediate plan of action should look like.
The better news is that when you choose to step foot behind this curtain, you will do LIVE Strategic Strike Planning sessions with me every 90 days…
Meaning even as the s*** continues to shower, you can be 100% confident that you are doing the right thing, at the right time, no matter what's happening.
... Which brings me on to forcing action.
Consider that…
You getting results. You deploying that plan. And you eliminating procrastination – for good.
It's an accountability thing.
In fact, a lack of accountability is why most men fall at the first hurdle even with a plan in place – because directionless distraction starts to rule the roost.
It’s why in order to survive this great new depression, you’d be wise to have other men standing in your corner and calling you to arms.
Consider that having other smart ambitious men holding you to account.
An expectation that you will stand and deliver no matter the tornado of s***.
See, accountability keeps you committed to your cause – even when the world is at war.
It’s why the Romans invented the Senate. It’s why I assembled The Alliance.
… And it’s why I run LIVE and intimate Assembly Of The Alliance calls – fortnightly.
To give hardcore accountability and answers to those who need it most – self-made men.
So if you’ve ever felt alone, isolated or sensed that on some level that you might benefit from having others calling you out on your s*** – I have good news.
By choosing to take the opportunity in front of you now, you will get private access to the LIVE Assembly Of The Alliance sessions with me and with the other men of this initiative every two weeks.
… And you will also do LIVE Strategic Strike Planning sessions with me every 90 days…
Right here is as close as you’ll ever come to being FORCED to get results.
But before you make the decision to apply, I urge you to pay close attention.
What You Do Next Is Pivotal…
The time to deploy these three mission-critical steps is here and now.
After all, you didn’t come this far to only get this far.
It’s going to get tough.
There is already blood in the water. The sharks are starting to circle. And there is little room for error.
So if you feel that this game would be easier, simpler, quicker if you just got some help, then it’s time to consider this…
Making your next step simple.
Submit Your Urgent Application
Because for a limited time, I’m re-opening enrolment to The Alliance and I’m inviting you to submit your application to come and join us.
When you do, you will get straight-line access to me, the other smart ambitious men of this group and much, much more.
My Mission For You Is Simple
To help YOU profit from and avoid some of the most “unthinkable” events and financial squeezes I see coming to punch you and your business square in the face.
You see, over the last two decades:
I’ve written FOUR bestselling books. Each of which is available in over 97 countries and in three different formats.
I’ve produced an “underground” documentary on how I personally f****d s*** up as a man in this game today and more importantly how I came back from the brink – despite the odds. A series that went viral and hit over 512,000 views in just 30 days.
I’ve shared the platform with celebrities, A-listers and business elites while speaking in front of thousands.
I’ve been at the helm of multiple businesses, in multiple industries, both here and overseas.

I’ve been flown over 64,494 miles by clients who want to get my personal opinion on their specific situation – despite them already having hundreds if not thousands of highly paid employees and agencies on their payroll.
I’ve competed for Great Britain at a time where, when it came to winning medals, funding was nothing and motivation, self-discipline and commitment to the cause was everything.
I’ve finished work at 2.30 p.m. every day for the last 5 years and don’t plug back in until 9.30 a.m. the following day. Yet I’m told with a team of just two strong, I still out-produce and out-profit those with armies of employees who pull 70, 80, maybe even 90-hour weeks...
… and that's just off the top of my head.
Now look, you know I don’t mean to brag…
But I believe it’s safe to say, when it comes to helping you provide and protect in this new f****d up blur of boom and bust…
No one has a commitment to this cause or track record quite like mine.
The Numbers Prove This Process Works
The feedback from the men already on this journey has been nothing but earth shattering.
In fact, if their results are a measuring stick for what happens when you start this journey, you can be safe in the knowledge that this will do what you want – even in this new world.

So here’s what it really boils down to.
Now Is The Time To Do This

This movement, this group, The Alliance, is helping everyday men at the helm of their own business to become bulletproof by taking back control – for good.
Some failed to take action on my pre-pandemic warnings.
But fortunately, I was able to prepare and protect the small group of men under my wing when the worst hit.
Meaning unlike most, these men came out of the last two years unscathed, unaffected and intact.
In fact, most come out the other side bigger, stronger and more profitable than ever.
Now, unfortunately, it appears that thousands of self-made men in this great nation today are going to be faced with a similar choice.
They, like you, can either heed this warning and take a few simple steps to profit and prosper…
… Or they can get swept off their feet when the rug suddenly gets yanked out from underneath.
But there’s not long left to decide.
This bloodbath has begun and once “Nuclear November” hits, it’ll already be too late.
Which is why right now The Alliance is a smart, logical next step for you to take.
So with that all said, let me recap everything that you will happen when you decide to step foot behind the curtain:
Maximise Cash
Maximise Profits
Maximise Momentum
Maximise Freedom
In Summary
Here’s everything you will get as a member of this group…

… And much, much more.
It Finally Stacks The Deck In Your Favour – For Good
Considering everything you get, some have said it’s hard to put an exact price on what happens here.
In the past, my Strategic Sessions alone have been leveraged by Fortune 500 companies across Europe, Asia and North America…
Expertise, insight and collateral of mine that they have then used to contribute to over £300 million in new sales.
When asked, my speaking fees start at £15,000 plus travel.
… And if I do private consulting, it’s for a tremendously high and undisclosed fee.
But that’s by-the-by.
Right now, I am not running this group for the money.
It’s about building The Alliance for the greater good and for the benefit of the men in it.
That means now, my goal is to get access to the right men who have the right attitude and are doing this for the right reasons.
That’s why, even though access to my flagship group, The Fellowship, costs upwards of £1,497 a month…
Today, I’m re-opening enrolment for The Alliance at, £15,000, £1,497 just 397 a month.
Enough to get commitment and cover costs.
That figure will go up … Sooner rather than later.
But if you make the decision to apply now, I will lock you in at that rate for as long as you choose to be a member.
Bottom line...
Here’s What To Do Next…
- Simply click this link to be taken to a secure application page.
- On that page, you will be asked to complete a short application. Think of this as a hoop to jump through that proves you’re serious about choosing to take a seat.
- Next, you will be able to immediately book a conversation. That is me and you talking on the phone so that I can understand what makes you tick.
- When you show up on that call, I will ask you some questions, you can ask me some questions and if I agree that this will work for you and that you will be a good addition to this group, then we’ll talk about the next steps to get enrolled.
Protect Yourself And Make This Choice
Let me close by saying that with the urgency around this bloodbath now looming…
You have been gifted an opportunity of choice.
Are you going to choose to be one of the victims, burying your head in the sand and playing possum until you get washed away by the tide?
Or are you going to choose to saddle up and do what needs to be done…? Being one of the men that choose to take action and sidestep the devastation that lies ahead.
Deep down and behind the mask, I suspect you already know this is the right thing to do.
But, brother, the choice is yours…
And you don't have long to decide.
The fat lady is about to start singing.
And once she does, it might already be too late.
So let’s do this.
Say YES to this opportunity.
Join the close-knit men of The Alliance…
Click the button below and apply now.
I believe you’re our kind of man.
I believe you’re poised to profit during the turmoil to come.
And I believe you’ll never sit back and abandon your family or your financial freedoms.
Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton
Master Chief
P.S. Let me be 100% clear – the British economy is changing dramatically right before our eyes. And these changes are NOT good for men like you and me who are at the helm of our own business.
Meaning now is the time to place an impenetrable iron cage around your cash flow, your freedom and your sanity before it’s too late.
You know that you should have Strategic Strikes locked in, laid out and ready for deployment NOW – in order to stop the walls from caving in.
You know that if you were held to account, then the excuses would stop and execution would happen.
And you also know that you should take some simple steps TODAY – for the benefit of your life, your family and your sanity tomorrow.
… Yet, I also suspect, despite all that, you’re still a little unsure about what exactly to do, or how to best do it, if left to your own devices.
Meaning right now you have two choices.
- One – Go back and re-read this entire dispatch again. Seeing what lies ahead. Feeling what impact it could have. Listening to what others have done next.
- Two – Get help by deciding to fill out an urgent application for The Alliance right NOW.
As I’ve already outlined, due to the high demand, and because of the time I devote to these men and this cause, the group is strictly LIMITED.
Right now, I am temporarily opening up just five NEW spots.
So if you do not act quickly, you will probably have to wait months, maybe even years, to get an opportunity like this again.
Given the current situation, you may not have the luxury of that time before this bloodbath boils to breaking point.
Meaning this is your opportunity.
Join this brotherhood of smart, ambitious men who can sleep safely at night knowing they are prepared to weather the storm and come out the other side STRONGER – no matter the tornado of s***.
Because, let's be honest … There are only two ways to sleep safely at night. Be ignorant or be prepared.
If you take your responsibility seriously to make more, provide more and be more…
… If you are starting to see the warning signs and realising that what you are experiencing right now is only the beginning…
… And if you are not willing to gamble your future on the promises of politicians who have a habit of doing nothing but lie through their teeth…
… Then I’d urge you to take the critical first step and fill out this application right now. Before it’s too late.
Chances are, as you start to separate the reason from the madness – you will be glad that you did.