“It’s not just about the money.”
That’s not something a lot of men in building businesses will say.
In fact, it is the exact opposite…
For most, it’s all about the money. At any, and every cost.
I reject this, in fact, I think it is bullshit advice.
In this game, it’s not just about the money.
And I believe that doggedly chasing down money is actually the road to ruin in this game.
Here’s why…
Firstly, I believe that men in this game that have a blinkered focus on money will have built a shitty business… with crappy systems, no processes, and no automation.
Essentially, they build a business propped up on matchsticks, that will ultimately fail.
Secondly, and more importantly, I believe the man at the top of that business will be overwhelmed, overworked, and guilt-ridden, living a poor excuse for a good life.
(No matter what front he puts out to the world.)
And so, he too is a failure.
Focusing just on the money is the road to ruin. And this rule of law is a guiding principle inside the One Man Empire movement.
Chris, a Structural Engineering from Glasgow (and Fellowship member) is the perfect example of this….
He decided to pull the trigger and applied to join The Fellowship in the first wave of the pandemic.
Working in construction he was used to handling the endless demands of clients, projects and contractors.
Yet with a baby girl on the way, Chris knew that if he wanted to keep providing and protecting what mattered most – things had to change.
To quote him
“I wanted to automate the shit out of everything.”
And that is exactly what we did. Automation and systemisation enabled Chris to…
- Start working fewer hours
- Lose the headache of his six employees
- Start working with higher-paying clients.
The results?
In 2020 Chris made more money than ever done before – even with shutting down for four months.
2021 will be his best year ever by a country mile, all whilst working less and spending time with his family.
Remember my friend – it’s not just about the money.
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton
P.S Right now, The Fellowship is full, if you would like to be the first to hear about any seats opening up you can get on the waiting list here.