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The Power Of Unwillingness…

September 5, 2021  

By Charlie Hutton

September 5, 2021

Just saw a quote on Linkedin…

Truth is, it’s more of the same arsehole rhetoric that I’ve started seeing a lot over the last few months…

The goal – motivation.

The reality – stagnation.

… Here’s the quote in question:

“I’m Willing To Do Whatever It Takes…”

Something that I’ll have you consider is a frame of reference and mindset that’s dumb fuckery of the highest order.

Seven words that on paper sounds like a good mantra for money, but when the rubber hits the road, and if you’re SERIOUS about moving mountains, you’d be wise to avoid like the plague.

See, over the years I’ve become engrained in a different school of thought when it comes to that kind of internal dialogue and bunkering down…

A school of thought that rarely gets a look in, but one that I’d urge you to start seeing as the most powerful force for the self-made man to stop the rot.

That school of thought?


Or in other words, starting to decide what are you UNWILLING to accept

Maybe that’s…

  • A ruthless unwillingness to keep lying to yourself?
  • A ruthless unwillingness to keep lying to your wife?
  • A ruthless unwillingness to keep lying to your kids?
  • A ruthless unwillingness to keep standing still?
  • A ruthless unwillingness to keep accepting mediocrity?

… Because in my mind, and for men of action like you and I, there will always be more POWER in being unwilling over willing.

See, unwillingness lights a fire under resolve, decision and determination.

It draws a mental hard line in the sand that you are no longer willing to cross – under any circumstance.

Truth is, and if history has taught us anything, the spoils will always go to the man that is truly unwilling to put up with his shit any longer.

So this week I ask you this:

  • What are you unwilling to spare?
  • What are you unwilling to sacrifice?
  • What are you unwilling to surrender?

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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