Here’s a question fresh in from Pete in Edinburgh:
“Charlie – The Fellowship looks like what I need, but my wife says it looks like some kind of wired male sex cult lol!! In all seriousness though, is it some kind of cult? Do you sacrifice rabbits?!?! Love the podcast bro, Pete…”
Fair question Pete…
… Especially after the Daily Herald joked that I had some sort of “cult-like following” among self made men 🙂
… So let’s see what the Cambridge dictionary says:
cult (noun):
“… usually small group of people characterised by devotion, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people”
Hmmmm…. ok, let’s quickly consider that:
1) Usually small group of people characterised by devotion
- There is ONE Fellowship group in the UK.
- That group is LIMITED to 30 men.
- Those men are DEVOTED to putting the hammer down.
… Meaning I guess The Fellowship ticks that box.
2) Beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people
- Most don’t believe it’s ok to want more money.
- Most don’t believe it’s ok to be male or masculine.
- Most don’t believe it’s small business like ours that are the backbone of this country/
Meanings the jury is officially in.
In the cold hard light of day and according to the Cambridge dictionary – The Fellowship is officially a cult and a brotherhood of smart ambitious men that are bound by blood.
The kind of blood-brothers that will hold you to a higher standard…
The kind of men that will help you separate reason from madness…
And the kind of men that will stand by your side and allow you to be born free inside of your business…
Anyway ’nuff said on cults, because based on the above I’m proud to be in this one.
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton