So there’ve been some wild accusations thrown my way this week by a “friend”…
Something that came to a head last week, as I was accused of being an “insensitive arsehole”…
… But in reality it was actually down to me calling HIM, on HIS shit…
Let me explain…
I’ve started ratcheting up my training and dropped about 14lbs (1 stone) over the last ninety days or so…
A declaration of victory that was greeted with:
“You’re lucky Charlie, your genetics mean you only need to L-O-O-K at a set of weights and you get abs…”
Hmmmmm…. and I mean:
- “Lucky”?!
- “Genetics”?!
- “Just look at weights”?!
… Are you fucking kidding me.
How about the mental resilience it takes to make hard choices and operate with ruthless control over your daily standards:
Because here’s what he (and others) fail to see:
- The DAILY control it takes to train instead of watching Netflix.
- The DAILY control it takes to count every calorie.
- The DAILY control it takes to eat 1600 calories instead of 2500.
- The DAILY control it takes to choose broccoli over a doughnut.
- The DAILY control it takes to plan every meal you eat in advance.
Now I don’t know about you, but I suspect if you’re like the other self made men in this tribe then you too may have been victimised for your valour.
Getting labeled, blamed, and dragged across the coals for being “lucky”.
When you and I know there was zero luck.
… Just hard work and doing what needs to be done to provide and protect.
Truth is, accusations like this, and the reason why others are so quick to criticise success is because…
- It highlights THEIR failures.
- It calls them on THEIR shit.
- It questions THEIR choices.
A reality that when laid bare and to their face, apparently makes you an “insensitive arsehole.”
Meaning this week it’s time to reconsider One Man Iron Law #3…
“Avoid the Weak-Willed & Weak-Minded”
Because, in this game, and in my experience, you make your own luck.
… And any anyone else that tells you other wise is deluded, deranged and destined for dumb fuckery.
Anyway, here’s the good news about all of that…
As soon as you become crystal clear on the fact that you, and you alone, get to choose how lucky you are…
You start to take back CONTROL.
Meaning, you have the power to choose to make more.
You have the power to choose to provide more.
And you have the power to choose to be more.
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton