Ok, let’s address a big barrier when pushing to £1M+ without an army of employees…
It’s something that blocks the road to success for men in this game…
And most fail to see it.
Or they choose to ignore it.
Either way, I get it.
When you’re working all the hours to get to 10K, 20K, or even £30K a month, the thought of ‘more’ can seem out of reach.
How the hell would you fit that in?
Never sleep?
Never eat?
And when you’re stuck in the weeds, it’s easy to get this way.
So you con yourself into believing it’s impossible, or something for other people.
Best for you to just stay in your lane and be grateful and all that, right?
Yet, I’d ask you to look at this from a new angle.
See, chances are what’s screwing you ain’t what you think…
And it’s easier to fix that you realise.
It works like this:
If the average project value is 25K…
1M = 40 projects.
If the close rate is 40%…
1M = 100 quotes.
If each quote takes 3 hours…
1M = 300 hours quoting.
300 sunk hours, all before you even think about ‘doing the work.
Or the work of running a business, or daring to have a life.
It’s a brutal realisation about making money in this game.
And it’s why I always bang the drum of ‘simplification’ if you don’t want an army of employees to feed.
Simplify to specialise in solving problems.
Sounds easy enough, yet far too many men miss this trick…
The trick is only selling to a market that:
- Has a problem.
- Knows they have a problem.
- Has money to give you to fix the problem.
See, when you choose to simplify your market, you naturally simplify what you sell.
Normally down to a single service that fixes their problem and the thorn in their side.
This means… everyone is getting sold the same thing.
And so quoting becomes a doddle.
Plus as a specialist your trust levels are ratcheted up, meaning you close more.
And as a specialist, you charge more too.
All in all, making £1M+ much closer than you realise.
And the way to supercharge this?
Automating the quoting process.
And quoting is ridiculously easy to automate in a simple business.
Plus, the quicker the quote goes out, the less time for prospects to look around.
…And the more you look like a reliable, trustworthy guy to do business with.
And my favourite thing about automation?
You don’t have to deal with sick leave, moaning, or emotional baggage of employees.
It’s how Chris in Glasgow sacked all nine of his employees.
In a highly skilled engineering business.
Arguably one of the toughest services to systemise and automate under the sun.
Yet here he is one man, one business, one service.
Making £53K per month.
Put those two magic bullets of Simplification and Automation together, and it leaves you with a free and clear path to scale.
Will it all be plain sailing?
Of course not.
That’s business and things always go sideways.
However, in my experience, the S.A.S Protocols™ are the easiest way to scale to £1M+ without needing an army of employees
And without breaking your back in the process.
It’s how Matt from Wolverhampton scaled to £101K a month.
Paul from N. Wales scaled to £115K a month.
John scaled to £48K a month.
Steve scaled to £76K a month.
Alan scaled to £105k a month.
So, if you are ready to stop staying in your lane, and you’re ready to push to £1M+ then here is what to do right now:
- Read the page below
- Fill in the application
- Let’s talk
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton