Today I want to share with you an important number.
A number I’d urge you to consider as vital when it comes to strategic decisions about scale and growth.
Here’s the number.
Now, if you live in Glasgow you should knock 6 off.
Know what that number is?
Well my friend, it’s the average life expectancy for a man in Britain today.
Now to demonstrate how important that number is to your business, to your success and to your sanity… let’s do some quick maths.
In fact, I’ll show you my maths, so that once you finish reading this, you can do your maths.
Now, as I’m writing this I’m 40 years old… and in six months I’ll turn 41.
In other words, right now I’m 40.5.
So let’s take my 40.5 years and minus them from the number you now know is the time I’m expected to live on this planet.
… 79.4 minus 40.5 leaves 38.9.
Meaning I’ve got 38.9 years left – barring any unexpected punches to the face.
… B-U-T here’s where it gets interesting.
See, they say…
… You will lose 32% to sleep.
… You will lose 9% to trying to get to sleep.
… You will lose 10% to watching TV.
… You will lose 4% to social media.
… And you will lose 3% years to eating.
Which, in the cold hard light of day, is an eye-watering 58%.
That’s 58% of my time left gone to sleeping, eating, sitting, showering, and the like.
Which rapidly brings my number down to 17.01 years.
Just 17.01 years that I can choose what to do with.
… And that’s before I’ve factored in any time for retirement.
Now, your number may be more, it may be less.
But whatever that number is for you, write it down and look at it. Hard.
Because the question of the day is this…
Just how much of what you’ve got left, do you want to spend doing shit you don’t like?
… Dealing with people you don’t like?
… And getting paid a figure you don’t like?
It’s why when men ask me:
“Charlie – should I choose to do this, should I apply to join one of your groups…”
I ask them…
How much longer do you want to continue as is? How much longer do you want to tread water? How much more of the time you have left do you want to sacrifice to this shit?
… Because if you’re fed up with sacrificing, then right now is probably the best time to speed up the scale.
Your best way to do that?
- Read the page below
- Fill in the application
- Let’s talk
Make More. Provide More. Be More.
Charlie Hutton