What stops scale D-E-A-D…

May 11, 2023  

By Charlie Hutton

May 11, 2023

What I’m about to say is uncomfortable reading.

It’s something I’ve fallen victim to in the past. 

… And it’s something that has a habit of suckering-in even the smartest men among us.

The #1 reason many fail to get to where they want? 

They waste time buying stupid cheap shit.

Case in point this post I saw on Linkedin yesterday.

“Come and join other business owners, every week, in this life-changing mastermind group” 

The best bit?

The price of admission.

… Just 72 quid – a year!!

Bargain right? 


The same goes for budget breakfast networking, cheap seminars and “free” events.

They all stop scale D-E-A-D.


‘Free’ is the biggest warning sign that something will be shit and an utter waste of your time.

In short, any place where my 9-year-old can get access with the funds he has in his piggy bank should be avoided like the plague.

It comes back to the universal law of money that states, ‘Buy cheap, buy twice.’

It’s probably why most men that choose to pony up and join my groups are willing to pay the piper – because they know, nine times out of ten, you get what you pay for…


… Results like this:

  • Alan and his brother who scaled to 105k per month in their two-man operation.
  • Matt from Wolverhampton who scaled to 101k a month after getting rid of two employees.
  • Paul from N. Wales who scaled to 115k per month for the first time ever with his small five-man team.
  • Chris who scaled to 48k per month with no employees in his engineering business.
  • Tony who scaled to his first 18k day in his lean accounting practice.
  • And Steve who scaled to 76k per month with just one other member of staff.

And I get it.

You might not be in a position to invest right now, if that’s the case my advice is this…

Buy a book (mine is on Amazon if you fancy it), and start putting it together for yourself. 

It’ll be slow, B-U-T it will be a damn sight more successful that a 72-quid mastermind.

That all said… 

If you are willing to put your money where your mouth is…  and if the thought of pushing to 1M+ without adding more employees sounds like something you want, then here’s what to do next:

  • Read the page below
  • Fill in the application 
  • Let’s talk 


Charlie Hutton


Founder Of The One Man Empire Movement.

Make More. Provide More. Be More.

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